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Symptoms and Diagnosis of Anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

Today, I’m talking with you about GAD, a condition that I treat in my patients regularly. Anxiety disorders are particularly important to me too because I suffered from them for years. In a future video, I will share with you my testimony and how I treated my GAD...

Emotional Hijacking: Why Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock

Why did Will Smith Slap Chris Rock? What caused Will Smith to walk up there and slapped the comedian? Everybody has been talking about how bad the violence was, and rightfully so. In this video, I want to explain what happened within the seconds to minutes before the...

7 Dangerous Mistakes Women Make in Choosing Husbands

Most marriages end in divorce, and I believe this is mainly because of dangerous mistakes some people make while choosing a spouse. In this video, we’ll discuss seven dangerous mistakes women make when choosing a husband. In another video, we will address the...

Prayer for Protection and Safety

Thursday is our prayer day. Our focus today is praying for protection and safety. All of us need consistent prayer for protection and safety. We are living in times of uncertainty, fear, chaos, risings and fallings, wars, rumors of wars, economic meltdowns, pandemics,...

7 Signs You Are Ready to Get Married

Marriage is an important part of most people’s lives. However, we often go about with adequate strategizing and thinking. In this video, we cover 7 signs that you are ready to get married or to choose a spouse.