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Three Weight Loss Mistakes

Do you want to lose weight and keep it off? This video will point out three mistakes most people make and show you how to avoid them. Make sure to watch till the end because I give you a bonus tip that will help you shed some pounds and keep them off. Obesity is an...

What is Calling?

One of the most burning questions that people have is “What is my calling?” Christians are asking this, people of other religions are asking this, and even atheists ironically are also asking this question. Understandably, it’s a foundational question because it has...

5 things to do when you don’t feel like praying

Often, we know that we should pray but we don’t feel like praying. We don’t seem to be able to muster the desire to pray. What should we do? This video shares five things you can do when you don’t feel like praying.

Why we can still rejoice in the midst of our difficulties

We are going through a tremendous time of difficulty. All around the world, people are suffering, isolated, feeling lonely, have lost jobs, and so forth. Yet, in the scriptures, God tells us to rejoice. There is tension there: Our circumstances are saying one thing...